Letter Soup Generator

This is a simple tool for generating "letter soup" puzzles where you have a grid of letters and a list of words which can be found in the grid. Words may appear left-to-right, top-to-bottom, diagonal-down-and-right, and diagonal-up-and-right.
You can use the characters A-Z, and also ÑẞĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻ-0123456789.
This means you can use it for English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, and others.
You can see that we allow hyphens, so you can have words like "high-tech" or "low-key".
This page is not for playing such puzzles, it's just for creating them. You can select the text of the grid below and copy & paste it, or you can adjust the font size to get the size of grid that you want, then do a screenshot and use the image.

How many rows & columns do you want the grid to have?

Font size?

Enter the words you want to appear:

You will get a different result each time you press this button, so keep pressing until you see one you like.

I have no words. Type some in the box.

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