There are various other tools aimed at helping people to transcribe music from recordings. Here are the ones I am currently aware of. None of them are in head-on competition with Transcribe! as they all have differing approaches. Personally I don't think any of them equal Transcribe! as a general purpose transcribing assistant but perhaps I'm biased - try them and see.
There are also tools which are quite different from Transcribe! such as hardware playback devices, and software which attempts automatic transcription (output as MIDI or notation, Transcribe! doesn't do).
AKoff Music Composer
AmazingMIDI by Araki Software
Amazing Slow Downer by Roni Music
AnthemScore by Lunaverus
Audio Speed Changer from
AudioScore from Neuratron
BestPractice by Robert Moerland
Capo by SuperMegaUltraGroovy
Chord Pickout
CLAM Music Tools, and Chordata
DDMF Chorddetector
deCoda from zplane
ELAN by Eudico
f4 transcription software for audio and video
Guitar Shed by Astoundit
GuitarMaster by RoboSens
iRehearse from RJV Media
Loop-A-Lick by DPR Technology
LoopyLoopX by Jean-Louis Valero
MPEX time stretching by Prosoniq
Music Analyzer by Andrei Volkov
Music Explorer by Geoff Peters and Gabriel Lo
MusicTrans music transcription tool
Neutrino by MachineCodex
Online Time Stretcher from
PaceMaker WinAmp Plugin
Phrase Trainer by
Pitch 'n Time by Serato
Play It Slowly by Jonas Wagner
ScoreExtractor by Roman Yakimenko
Slow Me Down by Roni Software
SlowGold & SlowBlast by World Wide Woodshed
Slowify by Better Notes
Solo Explorer by Recognisoft
Song Master by Aurally Sound
Song Surgeon
Sonic Visualiser
SoundTouch Audio Processing Library
33 RPM by Edenwaith
TimeStretch Audio Player from Jonas Wagner
Transcribe! by Seventh String Software
Tune Transcriber
TwelveKeys from NCH Software
Video Surgeon
Waon Wave-to-Notes transcriber
WIDI Recognition System
Amazing Slow Downer
Audipo by Hidekazu Seto
Capo by SuperMegaUltraGroovy
Learn That Song (previously iLift) by rCreativ
Let's Unmix by Hikaru Tsuyumine
Slow Down Music Player by Santa Cruz Integration
Slow Down Music Trainer by Santa Cruz Integration
Transcribe+ by Dynamic App Design LLC (no connection with Transcribe! or Seventh String Software)
Transcribe Player by Tommy Holmberg (no connection with Transcribe! or Seventh String Software)
Audipo by Hidekazu Seto
Maple Player Classic
Search Google for more Android apps.
If you are a programmer and you want to know how to write such programs, some of the above projects are "open source" which means you can download the source code and look at it. For spectrum analysis see Music Explorer, and for slowdown see Best Practice. I haven't actually looked at the source for either of these so I can't say for sure what you'll find.
There are some very impressive projects in this area. Some of them are open source with unrestrictive licenses. However I don't have any immediate plan to incorporate anything like this into Transcribe!, mainly because they require a lot of code and more memory than the average user would have (16 GB is good). This is why these AI systems run on servers in the cloud, not on your machine. However you can use them yourself if you want to, and then load the result into Transcribe! Note that Transcribe! can load "stem" files, that is mp4 or ogg/mogg files with multiple soundtracks. Please see the FAQ "How can I work with "stem" files?"
Spleeter by Deezer Research
Try Spleeter here
Spleeter source code
Demucs Music Source Separation
How to Slow Down - my own technical article on how to slow down music without changing the pitch.
Automatic transcription - some thoughts of my own about the difficulties of automatic transcription.
Wikipedia: "Audio timescale-pitch modification" - tutorial material about using Transcribe!
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